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Positive Behavior Support

In compliance with the Michigan Department of Education, we have a positive behavior support system(PBS) that nurtures our learning environment.  PBS is based on the idea that children need to be given clear behavioral expectations and be taught proactively to exhibit them consistently.  Our program is linked to the school wide PBS program.   At the conclusion of each physical education class, the instructor takes a few moments to review the class’s performance on the following five expectations:

  1. Walking feet while entering and leaving the gym.
  2. Active listening in your squads.
  3. Stop, look, and listen on “freeze”.
  4. Use kind words and good manners with others.
  5. Control  your body and equipment.

The class receives a point for each expectation they demonstrated that day in class.  At the end of the month, the class or classes with the highest score hosts our traveling Hillside Sportsmanship Award trophy for the month.  They also earn a free choice day in P.E..  On free choice days the class votes on a game from our PE curriculum to play during that class period. We frequently have multiple classes who tie for the monthly championship that we call our Hillside Sportsmanship Award.